What Makes Men Fall in Love? A Few Little Secrets

Did you ever wonder if there was a secret to making men fall in love? Would you like to have a man who'll adore you? Do you feel lost as you try to find your way to a man's heart? Then you need to learn a few little secrets that can help you win the love of the man you desire.

Many women make the mistake of relying simply on sex in order to win a man's heart. They think that a sexy dress, heavy make up and wild flowing hair will do it. But capturing a man's heart is a little more complicated than that. A man won't fall in love simply because the sex is hot. So, for starters, try holding off the sex for a little while and work on getting to know each other first.

Getting to know each other will not only tell you if you are compatible with this man, but it will help create a bond of trust and friendship. Deep emotional ties are built at this time in the relationship and it's important to foster these growing emotions. Desire, need, admiration, respect and affection need time to grow and develop in order to have a solid base on which to build a future together.

Also work on creating an inviting line of communication. A man wants to feel proud as he tells you of his accomplishment. He wants to feel helpful when offering a solution to your problem. And he wants to feel appreciated when he makes a romantic gesture or offers a helping hand. If he fears your ridicule when he talks of his day, or knows you'll criticize his idea of a romantic evening, he'll likely close off and may eventually walk away.

This doesn't mean you have to fawn and over do it. A guy will fall in love with you if he feels you are genuine and real. Make him feel good about being with you and show him what life with you can be. Men can spot a phony and generally tend to go the other way, but if he senses your sincerity he'll stick around to learn more about you.


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