Make Him Fall in Love - Advice to Remember and Mistakes to Avoid

What are the dos and don't of making a guy fall in love? What can you do that works in moving him along? What things should you avoid? Following are three bits of advice that you should take advantage of to make a guy fall in love with you. They will help you do the job.

Do not try too hard to keep him happy. We all know people who spend every minute trying to please everyone they know and end up only looking unbelievably desperate. If you put all your energy into pleasing your guy, his impression will be the same - desperation. That is a terrible perception if you want to make him fall in love with you. It is much more likely that he will fall for a smart, independent, fun-loving woman who has an enjoyable life of her own.

Do not give your guy ultimatums or try to force him into loving you. It is proven that pressure does not work; it usually produces the opposite effect. When a man feels a woman breathing down his neck to commit, there's a good chance he'll simply start all over again with someone less demanding. Give him space and time to get to the commitment stage without the nagging; you will have a much better chance at winning his love.

Don't lose track of your own life. A woman is appealing because of all the different things she brings to the table, all of her various interests that men find so charming. What a mistake it is to leave these by the wayside to follow a guy. You are cheating yourself and you will probably lose your man's interest before too long. It is all the special things about you that caught his attention; hold on to it by living your own life to the fullest.

So, remember, stay true to yourself if you want to make him fall in love. You don't need to go crazy to please him and you certainly do not want to force him into loving you. He'll come around much sooner if he has an exciting, interesting woman that captivates his imagination.

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